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heap 공부 시 참고링크 정리

by CH@3M 2019. 12. 12.

MallocInternals - glibc wiki

One Heap to malloc them all, One Heap to free them, One Heap to coalesce, and in the memory bind them... Overview of Malloc The GNU C library's (glibc's) malloc library contains a handful of functions that manage allocated memory in the application's addre



Understanding glibc malloc

I always got fascinated by heap memory. Questions such as How heap memory is obtained from kernel? How efficiently memory is managed? Is it managed by kernel or by library or by application itself?…


불러오는 중입니다...

Heap Exploitation

This book on heap exploitation is a guide to understanding the internals of glibc's heap. It also describes, in detail, various attacks possible on the heap structure.



Understanding glibc malloc

I always got fascinated by heap memory. Questions such as How heap memory is obtained from kernel? How efficiently memory is managed? Is it managed by kernel or by library or by application itself?…



Heap Exploitation

This book on heap exploitation is a guide to understanding the internals of glibc's heap. It also describes, in detail, various attacks possible on the heap structure.



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