class 추출
frida -U -l classes.js PID
for (var className in ObjC.classes) {
if (ObjC.classes.hasOwnProperty(className)) {
method 추출
frida -U -l methodofclass.js PID
console.log("[*] Started: Find All Methods of a Specific Class");
if (ObjC.available) {
try {
var className = "JailbreakDetectionVC";
var methods = eval('ObjC.classes.' + className + '.$methods');
for (var i = 0; i < methods.length; i++) {
try {
console.log("[-] " + methods[i]);
} catch (err) {
console.log(" [!] Exception1: " + err.message);
} catch (err) {
console.log(" [!] Exception2: " + err.message);
} else {
console.log(" Objective-C Runtime is not available!");
console.log("[*] Completed: Find All Methods of a Specific Class");
return 값 확인
if (ObjC.available) {
try {
var className = "ANSMetadata";
var funcName = "- isJailbroken";
var funcName2 = "- computeIsJailbroken"
var hook = eval('ObjC.classes.' + className + '["' + funcName + '"]');
var hook2 = eval('ObjC.classes.' + className + '["' + funcName2 + '"]');
// console.log("ho");
Interceptor.attach(hook.implementation, {
// onEnter: function(args) {
// console.log("starrrrr");
// }
// } );
onLeave: function(retval) { console.log("[*] Class Name: " + className);
console.log("[*] Method Name: " + funcName);
console.log("\t[-] Type of return value: " + typeof retval);
console.log("\t[-] Return Value: " + retval); } });
Interceptor.attach(hook2.implementation, {
// onEnter: function(args) {
// console.log("starrrrr");
// }
// } );
onLeave: function(retval2) { console.log("[*] Class Name: " + className);
console.log("[*] Method Name: " + funcName2);
console.log("\t[-] Type of return value: " + typeof retval2);
console.log("\t[-] Return Value: " + retval2); } });
catch(err) { console.log("[!] Exception2: " + err.message); }
else { console.log("Objective-C Runtime is not available!"); }
return 값 변조
if (ObjC.available) {
try {
var className = "ANSMetadata";
var funcName = "- isJailbroken";
var funcName2 = "- computeIsJailbroken";
var hook = eval('ObjC.classes.' + className + '["' + funcName + '"]');
var hook2 = eval('ObjC.classes.' + className + '["' + funcName2 + '"]');
Interceptor.attach(hook2.implementation, {
onEnter: function(args2){
//onEnter는 후킹함수 진입 시 실행되며, args[0]에는 self객체가
//args[1]에는 selector객체가 들어있어 접근 가능하며
//args[2]에는 해당 함수의 매개변수들이 들어있다.
//매개변수를 변경하고 싶다면 이곳에서 변경한다.
} ,
onLeave: function(retval2) {
console.log("[*] Class Name: " + className);
console.log("[*] Method Name: " + funcName2);
console.log("\t[-] Type of return value: " + typeof retval2);
console.log("\t[-] Original Return Value: " + retval2);
var newretval2 = ptr("0")
console.log("\t[-] New Return Value: " + newretval2) } });
Interceptor.attach(hook.implementation, {
onEnter: function(args1){
} ,
onLeave: function(v1) {
console.log("[*] Class Name: " + className);
console.log("[*] Method Name: " + funcName);
console.log("\t[-] Type of return value: " + typeof(v1));
console.log("\t[-] Original Return Value: " + v1);
var newretval = ptr("0");
console.log("\t[-] New Return Value: " + newretval);
} });
catch(err) { console.log("[!] Exception2: " + err.message); } }
else { console.log("Objective-C Runtime is not available!"); }
js 후킹코드 실행 방법
λ frida -U -f 앱패키지명 -l C:\Users\chaem_handlers____ANSMetadata_isJailbroken.js
frida-trace 사용
앱패키지명을 이용한 방법 : frida-trace -U -f 앱패키지명 -i *
PID를 이용한 방법 : frida-trace -U -i "*Crypto*" PID
open하는 클래스 추출
frida-trace -U -f 앱패키지명 -i “open*”
init으로 시작하는 클래스 추출
λ frida-trace -U -i “init*” PID
handler 생성
λ frida-trace.exe -U -i “*” -p 5907
λ frida-trace -U net.cross-dev.sbikabu2sp-stg -m “*[ANSMetadata isJailbroken]” -p 5624
Waiting for USB device to appear… Instrumenting functions… -[ANSMetadata isJailbroken]: Loaded handler at “C:\Users\chaem_handlers____ANSMetadata_isJailbroken.js” Started tracing 1 function. Press Ctrl+C to stop.
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